- Life Development
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- Purpose
The Clarity of Purpose 8 week Exploration & Workshop helps to define and clearly articulate your Life Purpose. At the end of the 8 weeks, each of us will have clearly expressed their current life purpose, and even perhaps a "seasonal" purpose.
Discovering, articulating, and refining a sense of purpose can be so helpful as times change. It can help you to minimize stress, maximize your contribution to the world, and feel the joy of being true to your calling.
What is the value of clarifying life purpose? It is like knowing your destination before you sit behind the wheel of your car: you can chart your path, move with focus, and feel the relaxed confidence of heading in your chosen direction.
Without purpose, you may easily feel lost, adrift, and low energy. One is more likely to get sucked into laboring on behalf of someone else's purpose. Like a rowboat without paddles or a rudder, one is more likely to drift about aimlessly at the complete whim of tides, breezes, and the mercy of others.
Having a clear sense of your purpose helps every aspect of your life harmonize: like having a conductor for an orchestra, a coach for a sport team, a director for a theater performance, a leader for a nation, your purpose helps guide all of your energies into harmony and focus with snowballing benefit to you and your world.
Understanding one's life purpose helps to generate more life force energy and clarity. It helps to make good decisions, and to accelerate both planned good fortune and surprising, synchronicitous good fortune. This workshop meets for 8 sessions of 90 minutes each. It will include meditation, group support, discussion, and explorative tasks & journaling.