- Essential Oils for Meditation
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- ∞ flow
∞ flow
Infinite movement can be understood as infinite life: water that flows will never decay. To release and flow is to connect with the limitless life force within us and all around us.
When it comes to movement, it is crucial to recognize the power of mint. In traditional medicines, mint is used to assist in the release of old emotion. What is old emotion? Emotion has a purpose, and it hopes to communicate important life lessons. Once that purpose has been fulfilled, like a beautiful bird, emotion wants to fly away. And yet so often we cannot let it go. We can trap it in our bodies and minds, which is not helpful.
Allowing stuck or trapped emotion to flow is in harmony with natural life and wellness. This flow helps to release excess heat/inflammatory conditions. Most importantly, flow helps to liberate the underlying stuck emotions. This can lead to breakthrough in creativity, vision, and renewed sensitivity to the joys of life.
Feelings flow, allowing all aspects of life to flow more smoothly. Grief, anger, rage, regret, sorrow, fear, desire, worry, and rumination are a few of the most common and detrimental emotions in which we tend to find ourselves stuck.
Spearmint, peppermint, penny royale, water mint, forest mint, bo he (薄荷), and wintergreen work together as a team to lift your spirits out of the mud and into the light of being. In a base of Universal Life Force, Love, and organic grapeseed oil.
This roller comes with instructions to activate appropriate points and meridians.