Nourish, open, calm, soothe, & connect your heart energies. Feelings need to flow for a sense of fully being alive. Ever feel stuck in your heart energies, or even insensitive and shut down emotionally? Like the blooming flower essence captured in this blend, your heart can bloom and open, letting the light in.
Infinite love, endless open hearts, this blend has an ancient history of opening self compassion, softening hearts, and restoring the natural trust & heart expansion innate in healthy humans. Science confirms the relaxation benefits of these essential oils. They also help to relax the neck, head, and face.
∞❤ A blend of jasmine, neroli (orange blossoms),ylang ylang, Young Living rose, & palo santo essential oils in a base of Universal Life Force, Love, and organic grapeseed oil.
This roller comes with instructions to stimulate the heart meridian & points of the hands.