- Essential Oils for Meditation
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- Clarify
Rollers to activate &balance energy meridians with essential oils:
Enjoy a grounding balance of Clary Sage & Vetiver:
Clary Sage and Vetiver work together to facilitate calm, focus, and ease. Being fully present and attuned with the moment, rise the challenge at hand with clarity and calm. The ancients used these essential oils to assist with issues of clarity and psychic protection, and modern science adds normalizing blood pressure and other physiological stress responses to the mix of amazing benefits.
Assisted by the wisdom of Ancient Taoist Medicine, follow the Pericardium energy meridian from Nei Guan 內關 (the Inner Pass) on the forearm, activating the extraordinary Yin Wei channel, to the tip of the middle finger. Instruction included.
Contains: Clary Sage & Vetiver in a base of organic grapeseed oil, Universal Life Force Energy, &Love.